
Modes & Switches

As explained in the previous chapter, File Structure, the associative array and global variable


holds the key for setting most of Pie's configuration options. All configuration takes place in the first lines of Pie's multiplexer file, pie.php.


Name to be used to log in as the superuser. See the password-entry below for the corresponding password [default: SuperUser].
The superuser login password is configured here. You can use it to log in and alter the pages even if Pie runs in non-public mode [default: secret].
If set, anyone who authenticates successfully can alter the content for the managed pages. If this variable does not exist, only the superuser, authenticated as admin using password may alter the pages [default: true].
The sandbox mode is a special mode to demonstrate to all passers-by what a wonderful piece of software Pie is. If this switch is set, people can alter the content of page SandBox, even if the rest of the site operates in non-public mode. This way, newcomers can make their first baby steps and interact with Pie's world. The sandbox mode has two restrictions:
  1. Page SandBox must already exist. Users can not create it themselves, as they could if Pie operated in it public mode.
  2. SandBox writers are permitted to enter links, both, local and external, as it is the nature of a Wiki, but can't upload new yap_Binary files even if such a file was linked in the SandBox.
A format string that is passed to date() while any time timestamps are being generated. Change this string if you do not like the output format or if it does not fit properly into your locale.
Number of seconds of inactivity after which authenticated user sessions are canceled and locks to pages are removed. Matter-of-factly, this gives you this amount of seconds to enter your changes for any page you edit [default: 3600].
An ID string that identifies the current software release.

Path Names

Directory to hold customized text and scripts [default: etc].
Directory to hold uploaded yap_Binary files [default: var/bin].
Directory to hold customized system messages [default: etc/locale].
Directory to hold lock files for pages while being edited. You can disable file locking by unsetting this variable [default: var/lock].
Directory to hold Pie's software library [default: lib].
Directory to hold the compiled pages [default: var/out].
Directory to hold temporary session files [default: var/run].
Directory to hold the pages' source files [default: var/src].

File Names

File to hold the notes about changes done to pages while editing. If unset, no logging takes place [default: var/log/access].
File to hold the users' names and passwords [default: var/etc/passwd].
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