

Page Names

Wiki Names

One way to name pages managed by Pie is to use Wiki-names. Wiki-names consists of upper and lower case characters only. The first character of a Wiki-name must be an upper case character, followed by one or more lower case characters. However, somewhere after the second character of the name, another upper case character has to follow, which, in turn, is followed by lower case characters. You need at least two upper case characters to compose a valid Wiki-name with an arbitrary amount of lower case characters on the right side of each of them, respectively.

Pie Names

In addition to the use of Wiki-names, Pie also offers its authors a superset of this nomenclature which is less strict in regard of composing page names:

The first character of a page name (both, textual pages as well as uploaded binaries) still has to be an upper case letter (A-Z). The rest of the word may consists of any sequence of upper case letters, lower case letters (a-z), digits (0-9) and underscores (_). Consequently, the shortest possible Pie name is just two characters long, that being an upper case letter followed by any character of this list.