


Sources you enter have to be compiled to generate final, viewable documents. The process of compilation usually takes place as soon as you create or modify a page. Still, you might want to rebuild all pages of the system at once. To do so, you type


If a page is being worked on by an other writer and the respective source is therefore being locked, you will get a list of these pages telling you to unlock them first before you may proceed to rebuild the sources. Unlocking locked pages (pages that are worked on by others) may turn out dangerous and may result in loss of data for the respective page.

File Backup

To create a copy of your system's documents including both, pages and binaries, that is, $sourcepath and $yap_Binarypath. You may also want to backup $userfile and $logfile. Usually, you don't need to backup $pagepath, since you can always (re-)generate your pages out of your sources using the directive above.

This just covers pages managed by Pie, but not Pie itself. Your customized files reside below $etcpath, $localepath and css/, so don't forget to backup these too.

File Restoration

Once you restore a file or directory from a backup make sure that files and directories that need to be modified during run-time require write permission for the web server's UID.