

Registration & Authentication

Former versions of Pie neglected the idea of restricting access to pages for several reasons. First, there were other things to implement that seemed more important than restrictions of any kind. Second, restricting access to a knowledge base somewhat contradicts a Wiki's, and therefore Pie's, fundamental principles and ideas. If somebody really wanted to shut the rest of the world off, he or she could also employ the means of access restriction of the underlying web server.

This former, completely open, approach is not supported any more. When running a Pie site, you have now to decide to go for one of the following two scenarios:

The Single User Scenario

You might find yourself in a position where you want to offer information to the public without anyone but yourself to be able to alter or falsify it. And that's where Pie's hard-wired single user authentication comes in handily.

When operating in non-public mode, nobody but a single privileged superuser may alter the contents of the web site. You set and keep the superuser name and password in pie.php. Using this combination in the login form logs you in as the superuser of the site.

The Multi User Scenario

As of late, Pie not only supports the idea of sharing an open knowledge base, but has also picked up the concept of multiple, distinctive users putting it together.

When operating in public mode, different persons are encouraged to register themselves and henceforth act as distinguishable authors. Having multiple users instead of just a single one helps you to clarify "who did what". It emulates the basic idea of most newsgroups and forums where individuals identify themselves not only by their words, but also by their names.

Once you have successfully logged in as whatever user, you can create and alter pages as well as upload yap_Binary files. Make sure to log out again once you finished your work. You will have to log in once more after a certain amount of time (default: one hour) has passed without any creative, that is, writing, activity from your side. This means of security is supposed to keep stale user sessions to a minimum.